Wednesday, April 30, 2014


poor georgie’s almanack:
When lights go out and sewage backs up it may be weather, or the Russians, or N Korea wanting us to think it is the Russians.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

good and bad things

poor georgie’s almanack:
Good things seem to happen fast. 
Bad creep up slowly.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


poor georgie’s almanack:
Jobs are the aspirin of the unemployed.

Monday, April 21, 2014

A The Mailman's Tale

poor georgie's almanack

There is no check in the mail.

Donkeys want --but can't pay for -- a world that never can be.

Elephants want -- but won’t pay for -- a world that never was.

All most of us want is a reality check.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Our Galaxy's Prostate Test

poor georgie’s almanack:
They just found an Earth-like planet far, far away.
But, to be ranked as habitable, it has to be able to hold its water.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


poor georgie’s almanack:
Good luck usually comes at others’ expense? 
It feels much better if you don’t know them.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

We must be stupider than Congress

Poor (and getting poorer) Georgie doesn't usually post more than once a day,

BUT ... It is Congress’ fault the Heartbleed bug firewall has only one full-time employee, ten part-timers, no govt. oversight, and is mostly funded by $5 and $10 checks. 

The decline and fall of the American Empire is totally the fault of Republican idiocy aided and abetted by Democratic stupidity and media fears of not showing the other side, even if the other side is stupider  and more self centered than Congress. 

No wonder Congress is less respected than bedbugs. 

And, again, we will vote in the perpetrators. 


Sioux City Sue

poor georgie’s almanack:
Putin is a sore loser. Next, he will want Alaska back?
Then, the contagion.
Mexico will want Texas.
The Sioux will sue for Sioux City.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Musing about Lil Abner and Joe Btfsplk

poor georgie’s almanack:

Some people are followed by dark clouds.

More create their own.

Monday, April 7, 2014


poor georgie’s almanack:

One of America’s serious problems is fashion models are not allowed to smile.

Bulimia must lead to bad teeth.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


poor georgie’s almanack:
In the new world of social media, science continues to be based on peer reviewed observation.
Truth, however, is based on reviewing a peer’s observation.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Tax Day musing

poor georgie’s almanack: 
Regarding Tax Day.

The NFL, a nonprofit monopoly, paid honcho Roger Goodell $44.2-million in 2012. 

It is not an illegal return, but clearly out of bounds and piling on.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chicago, Capone, Redux

Poor georgie’s almanack:
The Fed cares about inflation.
The Supreme Court doesn’t.
Today the cost of buying an election went up big time