poor georgie’s almanack
This is the eighth of 12 clues for solving a puzzle. A BIG puzzle.
Common wisdom in the science community is that everything in our body and everything in our universe arose nearly 14 billion years ago in the very hot mili-second that started The Big Bang.
That event produced a vast amount of Energy. The Energy, in turn, produced what we perceive as mass and space.
A newly-researched idea is that everything in our bodies and all the bodies of the Universe is made of the very small “things” that popped into existence that moment. These little somethings are units of Energy and/or Information. They almost like LEGO bricks. When those things are combined one way, they make a brain ... another way, a building ... or a blazing star named Betelgeuse.
And, as noted in the last week’s poor georgie’s posts, everything communicates.
Is there a common language or blueprint of the Universe we don’t know how to hear or read?
More tomorrow … "Musing about a Universal Rosetta Stone."
Or see: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:2228cea8-647e-4304-9fc9-cac63a08794f
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