poor georgie’s almanack
A different Rosetta Stone?
Clue 9 of 12.
In 1799, near the Egyptian city named Rosetta, soldiers found a large stone. Carved onto it were three messages. Two in forms of Greek and one in Hieroglyphics, a forgotten Egyptian language using pictures and symbols.
After the Greek was translated, someone figured out that the hieroglyphics said the same thing. This was the first step in re-learning the ancient language. (The messages turned out to be propaganda promoting a pharaoh (king) who was losing popularity.)
Is the Electromagnetic Spectrum that identified waves carrying information a cosmic Rosetta Stone? If so, is it a language in the blueprints to build humans, maybe one our cells understand?
We have begun to break the code (radio, X-Rays, music and colors).
If broken, will we learn everything about everything? Should we?
A bit more tomorrow.
Or see: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:2228cea8-647e-4304-9fc9-cac63a08794f
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