poor georgie’s almanack
Clue 12 of 12 … The conclusions.
This is a very short version. A longer version, written for teens in simple language and with pictures is attached.
- Nearly 14 billion Earth Years ago an amazingly hot blob of Energy instantly expanded. Today that is called The Big Bang. It took at least 200,000 years for the ingredients to cool enough to form the first atoms. Like all atoms, they were made up of even tinier thing.
- A controversial, but very popular, idea among scientists claims those tiniest things are made up of strings of Energy, and that Energy probably is in a form of Information that can be communicated.
- The strings, according to this concept, create everything in our Universe. They vibrate, and they make decisions to combine with other strings to build what we think of as mass (a grain of sand, a rock, or our Moon).
- I hope I haven’t lost you already, but with new computers, telescopes, microscopes and other technologies the evolving picture of reality gets weirder.
- The tiny bits of Energy can make other things, like electricity, magnetism, light and other stuff that humans can sense. The Energy also makes things we can’t sense, such as microwaves that cook food.
- Everything vibrates, producing waves of information. For instance, high waves on Lake Michigan probably mean a storm is near by. A siren signals danger. A plucked guitar string becomes part of a language we call music. X-Ray devices translate waves that let you look into a body as if you were Superman.
- Some communicating waves combine or cooperate to build the bureaucracies that govern our bodies and our Universe. A doctor told me the reason I was collapsing onto the floor when I stood up was that my nervous system (a bureaucracy) stopped communicating with my blood system (another bureaucracy). The nerves were not telling the blood vessels in my legs to squeeze, so more blood would be forced up to my brain so I could function. Eventually, communications were restored.
- Meanwhile, photos of communication channels in a brain looks suspiciously like communications channels between galaxies in computer simulations.
- There seems to be a chain of command. For instance, in a woman’s womb ‘director’ stem cells tell ‘worker’ stem cells to build a developing baby’s ear or knee, etc.
- Your bureaucracies were built following the same blueprints as mine. Yours may tell you to speed through the yellow light at the same time as mine order the muscle system and my foot to hit the brake hard.
- Everything seems to communicate, making human-brain-like decisions. Something in the atoms must be telling water ‘it is 32 degrees Fahrenheit and time to change to ice.’ We know how the chemistry works to make that happen, but we don’t know how the chemistry knows what to do. Like the stuff mentioned above, there is cooperation going on among atoms and molecules, so there must be communication. Another example, something tells a cell to attack an invading Covid or cancer cell.
- There probably is a cosmic language. Or languages. The idea of finding a Universal Rosetta Stone to help us translate the language(s) is appealing. Creating the Electromagnetic Spectrum to measure, or detect, waves is a first step. Those waves humans evolved to sense, like light, heat and sound are only a small part of the spectrum. Other waves are colors, radio, and ultraviolet.
- Because humans evolved to understand only a little bit of what is going on around us, our understanding of life, bodies, and the Universe must be different than birds that can see ultraviolet waves, or use the magnetic waves around our globe as an avian GPS while migrating. Trees can communicate and nurture other trees. Flowers follow the sun and must have something like a brain. It would be nice to be able to know what they think.
- I hope teens will eventually find a form of a Cosmic Rosetta Stone that will help us understand the languages of the Universe. (The Rosetta Stone was found near Egypt’s city of Rosetta. It had the same propaganda message about an ancient pharaoh carved in different languages. One was Hieroglyphics, a dead language that no one living human could interpret. Another was Greek. By matching the two, someone figured out how to read the obsolete Egyptian language.)
Two final thoughts.
- Many scientific studies are ‘proved’ by using the oddly constructed language of Mathematics and equations, where each side of the = or Equal Sign cancels out the other and the answer is 0 … zero. Maybe that’s why people who believe in one theory assume other theories don’t add up. Yet, nobody has shown that Albert Einstein’s E = mc2 is wrong. It says Energy equals Mass … they are the same thing. Go figure!
- Because I believe youth will figure out what we are missing … and to encourage them to do so … I have written, in language an eighth grader could understand, the following that provides more details. It is fully illustrated and titled: THE SEARCH FOR ALBERT EINSTEIN’S TOE …THE LANGUAGES OF THE UNIVERSE …AND A UNIVERSAL ROSETTA STONE.
It is a challenge for teenagers.
Go to: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:2228cea8-647e-4304-9fc9-cac63a08794f
Drafted January 22, 2022
George Kroloff
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