Saturday, January 22, 2022

poor georgie’s almanack

Your decisions vs. mine.

Clue 11 of 12. 

Think of approaching a stoplight as it is turns from green tocyellow. You are driving a car in the lane next to mine at the same speed. We get identical information.  I decide to stop. You speed past the light before it turns red.c

We have the same information, but our brains and the bureaucracies that feed information to the brains tell us to react differently.  

I remind you that ouc optical and auditory systems (and all the other body systems) work just like bureaucracies.  They send only the most important messages to the brain for operating decisions.

Interestingly, the atoms that cooperate with other atoms to form brains, cars, and super-hot stars are built by the same itty-bitty things that build human bodies.  They are arranged differently … and different arrangements produce different decisions.

They cooperate, so they must communicate.  But How?

Tomorrow.  My thoughts.  They may be different than yours.

Or see:

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