poor georgie’s almanack
Our adventure on a Petri Dish at sea is set to begin.
poor georgie’s almanack
Our adventure on a Petri Dish at sea is set to begin.
Friday, (tomorrow) we expect to board a cruise ship headed south for a few days. IF we post updates, the ship will be identified as our huge floating USS Petri Dish.
Finally we decided to cruise (in part because the money is not refundable at this time) and right now we are fully packed, loaded.
Then, earlier tonight, waiting at the elevator was the noted NOAA scientist living down the hall. He reported having just cancelled his fall cruise. Hmmm.
Yet, we will not be deterred. If our bobbing Petri Dish serves Corona beer we will take one for the team.
Meanwhile, the publicity photos released by the Coronavirus marketing Teams (before the name change) have given the virus vivid colors to make it look patriotic for many countries.

All depictions show colorful, almost attractive, little suckers or stickers, adorning the surface of the roly-poly little monsters. Not sure if their purpose is to spit killer sputum into our fully mobilized white cells, or suck out the strength of our sturdy sentinel cells. The USA's powerful white cells reside in plans to fight such a pandemic prepared years ago. The plans have not been implemented. The people who were supposed to be implementers were let go as non-essential. Seems the plan morphed into some kind of media campaign to kill the virus.
Clearly there must me more to it than that. Rationallly there should be if not clearly.
Some Communications grad student probably will do a thesis on the whole “promo thing.”
So, next week if we are not in the ship bay of the USS Petri Dish or picking our toes instead of our nose in quarantine, a few reports will be issued from around the ship and the ports.
We might check into any unusual dances to avoid shaking hands and hugs. Also any sights of sneezing into elbows, not sticking anything into noses, nor touching faces. Will there be lines at the hand washing sinks? Will people hold their breaths a lot?
Who knows? Yet, Who, stays on first base, silent as ever. If we see him, we will try to pick his brain. So far, we cannot find Who on the Pence list of people who are muzzled.
To be continued.
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