poor georgie's almanack
I was asked a couple times this week, "Where you were when JFK was assassinated?"
I was asked a couple times this week, "Where you were when JFK was assassinated?"
The incident in Dallas occurred 12:30 pm Central Time, Friday November 22, 1963. At that very moment my Chicago chamber of commerce co-workers were wishing me goodby at a private lunch.
Susan and I already were packed and ready to roll to Washington, DC where I would take a job working on a Kennedy-initiated Food For Peace program concentrating on Latin America.
The chamber of commerce staff photographer had doctored up a large fake photo showing Mr. Kennedy shaking hands with me. At about 12:45 pm, as I lifted the photo high so all could see and laugh, a waiter burst into the room and shouted,
"The president has been shot."
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