Saturday, November 23, 2019


poor georgie's almanack
I was asked a couple times this week, "Where you were when JFK was assassinated?" 
The incident in Dallas occurred 12:30 pm Central Time, Friday November 22, 1963. At that very moment my Chicago chamber of commerce co-workers were wishing me goodby at a private lunch. 
Susan and I already were packed and ready to roll to Washington, DC where I would take a job working on a Kennedy-initiated Food For Peace program concentrating on Latin America. 
The chamber of commerce staff photographer had doctored up a large fake photo showing Mr. Kennedy shaking hands with me. At about 12:45 pm, as I lifted the photo high so all could see and laugh, a waiter burst into the room and shouted, 
 "The president has been shot."

Monday, November 18, 2019


Nov 18, 2019
poor georgie’s almanack:

Today I read a blog for people who spend their spare time looking through telescopes into the dark night sky. 

Answering a question about the odds of seeing a particular event, someone wrote that the chances of observing it would be astronomical. 

photo Witch’s Broom Nebula

Saturday, November 16, 2019


poor georgie’s almanack


Noun: A very rich business person with a great deal of political influence. Some, but not all, thought to be corrupt.

Friday, November 15, 2019

There is more to come

poor georgie’s almanack
All your daily newspaper, online news-feed, social media and radio/TV are just the first rough draft of history. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ukraine: It's not just about us.

poor georgie’s almanack

Ukraine: It’s not just about us.

The date was October 4, 1993.  I was staying in a Hungarian friend’s apartment in Buda-Pest. When the Soviets ruled he had fled for his life. The scars on his psyche and his nation were fresh.

We had just heard that the Russian military was bombarding the Parliament building in Moscow to settle a political fracas.

“Aren’t you worried?” I asked. 

“No,” he answered, “we now have Ukraine between us.”