Thursday, November 8, 2012

Several Fall 2012 posts

(Sent mid sept 2012)
They burn flags.  We burn bridges.  34

(Sent in mid sept 2012)
Ouch: After sticking with our principles, not principals (democracy vs. dictators) a lift from the Arab Spring takes a harsh and Acrid Fall.

Poor Georgie’s Almanack: Nationals win playoff spot. Celebrate with bubbly. Tap water for teenage Bryce Harper, the team’s designated driver.

Poor Georgie’s Almanack  23

(Sept 17. 12)
Poor Georgie’s Almanack ... Furor over Kate’s 1/2 bikini photos is over the top. 

(Sept 18, 12)
Poor Georgie’s nightmare: The sky is tinged blood red as the sun sets to the East.

(Sept 21, 12)
The 9% who think Congress is headed in the right direction must be campaign contributors.

(also Sept 21, 12)
Washington Nationals win playoff spot. Celebrate with bubbly. Tap water for teenage Bryce Harper, the team’s designated driver.

poor georgie;s almanack (Sept 23.2012)
We actually are part of the 1%.
Last year we made less than 1% of Mitt Romney.

Sept 24. 12
Catch 22. Our credit union offers free dismemberment insurance but won’t pay if we no longer are a member?

Sept 26. 12
What is both the problem and the solution. 

Sept 28. 12
A clear prism reveals black and white political issues to be a spectrum of subtly-changing interlocking biases.

Sept 30, 12
Beware those who delight in demonizing others. They rarely look in the mirror.

Oct 1, 12
 How far we have gone.  I Love Lucy TV signals now reach a planet NASA says  might harbor intelligent life.       Gliese 163C
Oct. 2, 12
Oct. surprise?
(A) Mideast war we can’t afford.
(B) N. Korean nuke we can’t control.
(C) Cyberattack we can’t .....

Oct. 7. 12
Congress loves Moochers.

Oct. 8, 12
poor georgie’s almanack ... How the rich bet on a better recovery. Donations to nonprofit hospitals by the wealthy rose in 2011.

Oct. 9, 12
We said, “if the world could learn to think, dream and do like us, things would be all right.” Most did. Now what?

Oct 10, 12
Jobs. Great year for Apples. Stock and prices are up.
Because the pickers fled back to Mexico.  94

Oct. 12, 12
poor georgie’s almanack will resume when he returns from tuesday’s presidential debate’s media beer hall ... an older budweiser man.

Oct. 18, 12
poor georgie’s almanack ... the schedule.
Tues. Presidential Debate ... creating campaign history.
Thurs. Home ... cleaning cats’ litter box.

Oct. 19, 12
poor georgie’s almanack ...
If the economy stays constipated,
look for a tax code in the head.

Oct. 20. 12
poor georgie’s almanack
Blood money:  The bankrupt homicide-haven Chicago metro area may be the first in US to levy a tax (5¢) on bullets. (WSJ oct 19, 12, a section)

Oct. 22, 12
poor georgie’s almanack
Tonight’s debate gut-check:
Who, what, where, when, why, and how
they will kill people to keep you safe.

Oct. 23, 2012
poor georgie’s almanack
(double entendre alert)
Debates math ... each candidate gets an A.
Both can count to five and know their base numbers.

Oct. 25, 2012
poor georgie’s almanack ... Laugh and the world laughs with you. Vote and you are all alone.

Oct. 27, 2012
poor georgie’s almanack
I am so dumb that before I saw the TV ads I thought Obama and Romney were decent human beings.

Oct. 29, 2012
poor georgie’s almanack ... Hooray for Climate Change: Sandy’s eye goes right over us soon, lowering epic rain and wind.  But for now, duck!

Trick or tweet - 140 characters

Halloween. If N. Korea’s Lil Kim and/or the Ayatollah ring the White House doorbell, will it be “boo” or bomb?

October 30, 2012
poor georgie’s almanack ... Halloween. If N. Korea’s Lil Kim and/or the Ayatollah ring the White House doorbell, will it be “boo” or bomb?

October 31, 2012
poor georgie’s almanack ... Missing in Action.  George W. Bush must be in the witness protection program.

November 2, 2012
poor georgie’s almanack: Why do some people who know Hell is in a red hot cavern, fear Mormons who know the Garden of Eden was in Missouri.

Nov. 4, 2012
poor georgie’s almanack ... What if the other guys are right?

Nov. 6, 2012
poor georgie’s almanack
Ds want a world that cannot be
Rs want one that never was
DRs (me) want Ds & Rs to consult & write a prescription for a healthy world.

Nov. 6 2012 poor georgie’s almanack (second of the day)
Campaign Promises: The willing suspension of disbelief.
But, voting is a rational act.

Nov. 6, 2012
poor georgie’s almanack: Great comment. If BO wins, I leave. If MR wins, I’m out of here. It’s not political. I just want to travel.    

Nov. 7, 2012

poor georgie’s almanack: I forget, why is the USA still afraid of Cuba and Cubans?

Nov 8, 2012
poor georgie’s almanack ...
Loners on Facebook have, like, hundreds of friends.

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