Tuesday, February 26, 2019

maybe not for the anal retentive.

poor georgie’s almanack: 

Chinese invented paper in the second century BC.  

Off-and-on some of it became toilet paper.  

In 1857 the first toilet paper marketed in the western hemisphere.  

“Splinter free” versions appeared in 1935.  

Three cheers.  Bottoms up.  Or whatever.

The scariest "F" word

poor georgie’s almanack:  

Watch the rallies on TV.  

For religious conservative Americans, the scariest four letter “F” word is FEAR.  

Fear of the browning of society.  

Fear that their neighbor will look like the real dark skinned Semite from Galilee known as JESUS.    


Monday, February 18, 2019

poor georgie’s almanack:

About 40 years ago I was a PR consultant.  One of my clients was a group that put together the first-ever conference of prominent American and Soviet nuclear scientists.  It was a big deal. 

The attendees were the geniuses behind the stockpiles of powerful bombs that could cause a mass extinction of our planet’s humans and all other semi-intelligent species.

Several reporters and I left an early morning session that had descended into the dreary depths of PhD-level physics.  Our mission was to hit the strong coffee and sugary pastry in the crowded “press room” down the hall.

After a while a reporter who had stayed in the meeting dramatically opened the press room door.  He was greeted by a loud shout from a journalist.  “Did we miss anything?  What’s the headline?”  

His reply perked up the still reporters’ drooping eyelids.  It was that the brainiacs had reached their first agreement.  And it was unanimous.

Turned out the agreement, was about about wind-borne nuclear pollution from bomb blasts. 

His headline was something like this: “Mother Nature does not need a visa to cross political boundaries.”  

Subhead might have been, “Laws of Nature trump national laws.” 

Of course, the Chernobyl disaster, global warming, and Ebola epidemics proved that.  


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Before Amazon was in the news

poor georgie’s almanack:
Long before Amazon and supermarkets there were stores like these in major cities.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


poor georgie’s almanack:  
There must be some irony in that tonight’s preview of State of the Union follows the game show Jeopardy on Washington, DC TV.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

recycling isms

 poor georgie’s almanack: 

How “isms” get recycled. 

A Washington Post obit quotes a WWII speaker who feared “200,000 Communist Jews at the Mexican border waiting to get into this country,” ready to “rape every woman and child that is left unprotected.”  

Saturday, February 2, 2019


poor georgie’s almanack:

People “needing” more than enough, breed others who “have had” more than enough. 

Historically, when elites abandon the symmetry of cooperation, those with few resources collapse their states into the chaos of violence.