Thursday, November 29, 2018

What Ford Found


poor georgie’s almanack: 

You can’t move ahead without having been somewhere.  

Henry Ford’s auto assembly line was hugely inspired by the dis-assembly lines in slaughter houses that moved pigs from one station to another to be processed.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Being politically incorrect.

poor georgie’s science almanack: +/- 30 seconds.

Theory vs. Theory.  Why many politicians say they don’t believe science. 

Politician: "A theory has yet to be proven."  Thus, Global  Warming is a maybe. 

Scientist: "A theory explains how something works."  Thus, There is proof of Global Warming.

Same word, different meaning.  


Sunday, November 25, 2018

Gravity for the serious scientist.

poor georgie’s almanack … Gravity.

Just watched five minutes of Henny Youngman one-liners and, for no apparent reason, I thought about astro-physics nerds who feel they are falling in a dark place.  

Since gravity is the weakest known force in the universe, all they need to lighten up is a little humor.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

We are like the stars

poor georgie’s almanack:  Science  in +/- 30 seconds

Our lives are very much like the lives of stars in the sky.  

13.8 billion years ago a Big Bang produced a gazillion little squiggly, stringy things that eventually built big structures (galaxies & human bodies) and small ones (cells & molecules). 

Nonetheless, most everyone and everything will wind-up disintegrating in deep black holes.    

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Religion and Science

poor georgie’s almanack:  Science #2
Religion and Science in +/- 30 seconds

Religions, among other things, try to explain much of what can and what can’t be sensed by human observation. 

For example, most religions offer a creation story. They also provide a context to life and society. 

Sciences, among other things, try to explain what is too small to be seen and too big to grasp. They explore how things work. 

Religion and science actually compliment each other … even if their adherents don’t.

Monday, November 12, 2018

SCIENCE #1 in +/- 30 seconds

poor georgie’s almanack: 
SCIENCE #1 in +/- 30 seconds 

Science is much more interesting than politics these days because truth is stranger than fiction.  

After an estimated 1,000 “poor georgie’s almanack” postings, often highlighting irony, I will add science tidbits. They will represent things I think I have learned that I hope you find interesting.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Why is it always the virus season?

poor georgie’s almanack: 

Bad things often start small. 

Viruses of global hate are spread by too many political parties, sects, religions, the web and nationalistic movements. 

At times we all have been infected. 

(Enhanced photo of T4 virus is from an electron microscope.)