Sunday, May 28, 2017

Leaks: News Perspective

poor georgie’s almanack:

News perspective.  

Some leaks are as bigger than others.

Friday, May 26, 2017


poor georgie’s almanack: 

Europeans brought honey bees to America. 

Indians saw a bee as a bad omen of White settlers headed their way. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


poor georgie’s almanack:  Globalization

You can buy this smirking symbol of authority online. It appears to be an exact duplicate of a real badge.

 People posting on the inter-web, including a guy who claims to work for a Japanese museum, say the knock-offs are made in China. 



Friday, May 19, 2017


poor georgie’s almanack: 

NEWS self-defines itself. It is about what is new. 

OLDS is a former car brand. It died because it was boring.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Tasty Watergate?

poor georgie's  almanack: 

I put a Watergate-era bumper sticker on a table. The cat found a corner to be tasty. 

What would Ben Franklin say?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Computers and birth

 poor georgie’s almanack: 

Computers are the natural evolution of the brain because brain size is limited by width of a woman’s cervix.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Impeachment ... Just sayin

poor georgie’s almanack:

FYI: For those interested in impeachment.

Beware of unintended consequences.

Just sayin.

 The current presidential order of succession is:
1 VP Mike Pence (R)
2 House Speaker Paul Ryan (R)
3 Pres. Pro Tem Senate Orrin Hatch (R)
4 Sec State Rex Tillerson (R)
5 Sec Treas Steven Mnuchin (R)
6 Sec Defense James Mattis (Ind)
7 Atty Gen Jeff Sessions (R)
8 Sec of Interior Ryan Zinke (R)
9 Sec Agriculture Sonny Perdue (R)
10 Sec Interior Wilbur Ross (R)
11 Sec Labor Sec of Labor Alex Acosta (R)
12 Sec HHS Tom Price (R)
13 Sec HUD  Ben Carson (R)
14 Sec Energy Rick Perry (R)
15 Sec Education Betsy DeVos (R)
16 Sec Veterans Affairs David Shulkin (Ind)
17 Sec Homeland Security John F. Kelly (Ind)

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Mother Nature

poor georgie's almanack:

Many claim to speak FOR Mother Nature.

I want to speak WITH her.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Watergate in the air

poor georgie’s almanack:

Just back from the sweet smells of a New Hampshire Spring to find a rancid whiff of Watergate in the atmosphere.

photo © Hendri Venter